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Finding the perfect therapist for me!

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

When? Where? How? Who?

Lots of questions mark which can make your search for a therapist a difficult mission.

The first question is: Do I need help? Do I want to be helped? And maybe Who can help me?

First it is to realise that you need / want to talk with somebody about what it is going on with you. Your reasons can be about past, present, future, an event, a moment in your life, a difficulty, a life changing moment… or can be about discovering yourself, fell in love with you, to do some work in creating the best version of you and, to try to be ‘happy’, present, enjoying what you have now and to work towards your projects.

Sometimes other people are telling you that you need some support with what it is going on with you. Some people may share their experiences in the therapy room and you can be inspired of what they achieved and how they feel using this service. These people can help you also, to find your therapist.

Finding the perfect / correct/ the best therapist for you can be based on:

· Location

· If they offer face to face sessions or online

· Availability

· Gender

· Religion

· Specialism

· Their picture from their profile

· Their blog / website / profile in general

· Recommended or not by other people

· In training / Qualified / Accreditated

· Languages spoken

· Special interests

· Price range

How do you know who is good for you?

You may choose to ‘shop around’ and arrange an initial consultation over the phone which can take up to 20 minutes and usually is free of charge. In this way you may ‘feel’ who may be good for you. Your choice will be the best. We like to say: ‘Not every client is good for every therapist, and not every therapist is good for the clients. We need to connect and both of us: the client and therapist to enjoy / feel good/ feel comfortable in the session. If we don’t connect, the change / progress wouldn’t happen.

Sometimes a GP, a service, a company chose the therapist for you. They may ask you if you have any requirements and they try to match you with the one they think is best for you. If you attend these sessions and you realise the chosen counsellor is not for you, you are entitled to request another person with no problem.

Your journey towards healing, rediscovering and grounding yourself can be similar like the one in the picture: what's behind the mountains.

Recognizing that you need help is a big step, starting asking for help is a huge step and starting you therapy is a enormous step.. Each of these stages are important and may lead you to a new stage in your life, hopefully a better one.

I see the therapy like a SPA for the soul and mind. In this SPA you need to be courageous and do the hard work, but the results can be amazing.

Looking forward to see you again or to meet you,

Take care, Carmen

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